
Seth Low Intermediate School 96 Home

$600,000 Technology Grant

We are excited to announce that, with the support of Councilwoman Susan Zhuang, the exceptional leadership of former principal Mrs. Herusso, and our ongoing partnership with Sharea Thomas from Community Schools, our school has been awarded a generous $600,000 grant to upgrade our technology infrastructure. These funds will directly support the acquisition of essential resources such as laptops and Smartboards, tools that will greatly enhance our students' learning experiences. By integrating advanced technology into the classroom, we will provide students with the tools they need to engage more deeply with their lessons, foster creativity, and build critical skills for the future.
With PRIDE and Appreciation,
Christina Monfasani- Voutsinas



Boot Camp Photo

Middle School Arts Audition Boot Camp

Middle School Arts Audition Boot Camp is a free, two-week arts program for New York City Public Schools students entering grade 8 in September 2025. The program includes one weekend in the fall for follow-up sessions before high school auditions begin.
Isaac's Petition Gets Approved

Isaac's Petition Gets Approved!

NYC's Mayor has approved Isaac's petition to change the school calendar, granting a day off on Monday December 23rd. This change positively impacts over one million students and staff members throughout the five boroughs!